Welcome to Hawaii Sakura Foundation
Cherry Blossoms with Aloha
The purpose of the Hawaii Sakura Foundation is to familiarize Hawai‘i residents with Japanese flowering cherry trees — otherwise known as “sakura” — and to introduce more trees into various locations of Hawai‘i.
Formerly known as the Cherry Alley Committee, the Hawaii Sakura Foundation was approved by the State of Hawai‘i as a nonprofit incorporation on August 31, 2017.
More than 100 years since cherry blossoms were donated to Washington D.C., Japanese cherry blossoms came to Hawaii to enrich friendship and goodwill between Japan and the United States.
Japanese cherry blossoms has bloomed in tropical state Hawaii, which fact reverses the established theory. We, Hawaii Sakura Foundation will continue further activities.
Tree planting ceremonies with Makino Botanical Garden, Feb 6-7, 2024
The Mayer's office of culture and the arts, in collaboration with the Hawaii Sakura Foundation and the Kochi prefectural Makino Botanical Garden, the tree planting ceremonies on: February, 6, 2024, 10:00 am Iliahi Neighborhood Park February, 7, 2024, 10:00 am Manoa...
Sakura at the Volcano Golf Course
Ms. Seiko Fujii, an arborist from the Makino Botanical Garden in Kochi Prefecture, visited island of Hawaii and with their request, Ms. Fujii gave guidance and demonstration on how to care for cherry trees to the course general manager and supervisor of ground keeping...
The Plant Art Exhibition in Hawaii 2020
It won't be the latest news , however we would like to share this report. “The Plant Art Exhibition in Hawaii” was held from February 02 to April 03, 2020 at the University of Hawai`i at Hilo Campus, hosted by Hawaii Sakura Amity Association ( Hawaii Sakura...